Wednesday, March 31, 2010


instead of losing, I've gained. Yup, it's true. The worst part, there's a party I would love to go to; a high school friend is throwing it, but I won't go because I don't want to be the "girl that got fat"!! Sad, I know.

I did run the past two days, and I feel good about that. But I ate Burger King on the way to school, and then potato chips when I got home.

Chicago is cute. That's what I keep telling myself, I want to look cute in Chicago. I want cute pictures from vacation for once. Every picture of me since I've gotten married I look, well FAT!

I always tell myself - well you're not as fat as this person, or that person (yes I know that's not nice but I don't say out loud) but truth be told, I am a WAY fatter version of me that I have ever been. It's not healthy, it's not attractive, and it needs to change. NOW!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's official

I'm fat. Yup, it's true. I looked at my wedding picture on my desk yesterday, compared it to my school ID. OMG - I have a lot more face than I did, 3 1/2 years ago. I can't deny it.

The worst part - there is absolutely no reason for my large amount of weight gain. I haven't had a baby, experienced a life changing event. Nope, it's just because I like to eat - a lot.

I snack late night. I eat when I'm not hungry because I'm bored. It's my own fault. Kind of depressing to know that I am responsible for something that makes me sad when I look in the mirror.

Why did I do this?