Tuesday, April 13, 2010


is what the scale said today. Can't believe I typed that out; evil scale. I know it's not the scales fault; it's my fault for eating when I'm bored, stressed, worried.

Food is the worst habit to change. It's not like smoking; you don't have to smoke. You have to eat!

I bought some juice (can't remember what it's called; think it's a V-8 type) anyways it says its two serving of fruit/vegetables in one 8 oz glass. So each morning I drink that with my vitamin! That is two good things in 5 minutes. Yeah for me.

I found a blog that I like and can relate to - from 12 to 6 http://twelvetosix.blogspot.com/.

I am following in her footsteps and trying to change one thing at a time. My first thing - take my vitamin every morning. I have two days under my belt!!

I also want to start running again; its a sport I can do AND enjoy. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

I'll share a secret with you - I want to fit into my wedding dress again. My wedding photographer didn't take any pictures of me standing alone in my dress!!! I want to fit into it, put it on, and have some pictures taken.....dorky I know but it's what I want to do!! I had it cleaned a long time ago; it just hangs in the spare room - silently mocking me.

So I've shared my weight with you and my secret.....